Academic Work

In Review/Revision

Freese, L.M., Davis, S., Virgüez, E., Caldeira, K. Country Country-Level Distribution of Trillions of Dollars in Future Climate Damages from Current Annual Emissions, under review.

In Preparation

Freese, L. M., Han Springer, C., Eastham, S., Selin, N. Ensembles of Early Coal Retirement Trajectories In Southeast Asia– Air Quality, Health, and Climate Impacts through a Reduced Form Black Carbon Model, in prep.


Duffy, M., Barnes, L., Wirz, C., Ranganathan, M., Freilich, M., Freese, L.M., Lalk, E., Wilcots, J. Factors influencing underrepresented geoscientists’ decisions to accept or decline faculty job offers in the US. Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

Freese, L. M., Giani, P., Fiore, A.M., Selin, N.E. Spatially Resolved Temperature Response Functions to CO2 Emissions, Geophysical Research Letters.

Freese, L. M., Chossiere, G., Eastham, S., Jenn, A., Selin, N. Eliminating Nuclear and Coal Power Generation Redistributes U.S. Air Quality and Climate Related Mortality Risk, 2023, Nature Energy. (openly available read-only version)

Garima Raheja, Leatra Harper, Ana Hoffman, Yuri Gorby, Freese, L.M., Brendan O’Leary, Melissa Goodwin, Daniel M. Westervelt. Community-Based Participatory Research for Low-Cost Air Pollution Monitoring in the Wake of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Ohio River Valley - Empowering Impacted Residents through Community Science, 2022, Environmental Research Letters*.

Freese, L.M., Cronin, T.W. Antarctic Radiative and Temperature responses to a doubling of CO2, 2021, Geophysical Research Letters. Place for the Wagner Award for Women in Atmsopheric Sciences).

Ranganathan, M., Lalk, E., Freese, L.M., Freilich, M.A., Wilcots, J., Duffy, M.L., Shivamoggi, R., Trends in the representation of women amongst geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity, 2021, AGU Advances. doi:10.1002/essoar.10506485.1.

Op-eds and News Articles

Freilich, M., Wilka, C., Shivamoggi, R., Freese, L., Heiderich, J., Drake, H. F., Cantine, M. 2019. “Young Climate Scientists Speak Out”. Special Climate Crisis Issue of DigBoston.

Goodman, S and Freese, L. 2018. “China’s Ready to Cash in on a Melting Arctic”. Foreign Policy.

Freese, L. 2018. “Why Citizen Science Faces an Uphill Climb in China”. Sixth Tone.

Freese, L. 2018. “How Citizen Science is Helping Save China’s Environment”. Sixth Tone.